Event spotlight: Seattle Frocktails menu

The first ever Seattle Frocktails is edging ever closer and we want to start telling you about all the little details the volunteer team has been working so hard on.

If you’re new to the event and/or website and want to know more about the event itself: check out our About and Event Details pages for a quick intro!

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The principal intention for Seattle Frocktails is that sewists can get together in a low-pressure, fun environment to mingle, admire and chat at leisure. A cocktail reception requires bite-sized snacks that are easy to pick up and consume and, just like we want every Washington sewist to feel comfortable at Frocktails, we also want to make sure we cater to different tastes and needs.

We’ve tried very hard to put together a finger food selection that means our ticket price stays affordable (anyone catering their wedding will know what we mean) but at the same time appealing to a number of palates. We have vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free offerings and we really hope everybody will find a range of bites they can enjoy!

We decided to use local providers for our catering to remain true to Seattle Frocktails community roots and we’re sure you’ll recognize some of these names from your local area.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to drop us a note using the contact form. We can’t wait to get nibbling and conversing! See you all soon!