Event Spotlight: Entertainment at Seattle Frocktails

There’s one overriding purpose to Seattle Frocktails - and that is simply to meet up with other sewists and have fun! I mean, how often do you get to go to a party where you know every single other attendee shares one of your main interests? I don’t know about you, but in my case - not very often!

So, the truth is that the main entertainment factor of Seattle Frocktails is exactly that: the fun of seeing what 100 plus other sewists are wearing, meeting new sewing friends and talking all night about sewing and FABRIC without anyone’s eyes glazing over! :)

fabric_bolts pacific fabric.jpg

Nevertheless, we have a few other distractions for you to explore and take part in as you wish and we hope you enjoy them!

Photo booth and photographer

We will have a photo booth set up (by Lilly, one of our volunteer team) on one side of the venue for you to capture some shots of yourself and your fellow sewists in your finest attire! We’ll also have an event photographer (Kara Farmer) who has kindly donated her time to take some candid snaps of the event! We’ll post the photos on the website gallery after the event is finished!


Project Runway: This is really more of a spot on the floor than a runway, so don’t worry! It’s a totally low-pressure bit of fun that we thought would be a good way to find out the details of what everyone is wearing.

We’ll explain it properly on Saturday, but basically all that’s involved is writing your name, outfit pattern and fabric on a piece of paper in the first half of the evening and then around the middle of the event, Meagan will call out some people to give a quick twirl and will tell everyone what they’re wearing. Don’t worry if you can’t remember the exact pattern number - it’s just to give an idea of what you made.

Our “runway” will NOT look like this… :D

Our “runway” will NOT look like this… :D

That’s the idea anyway - let’s give it a go and see how it turns out. Participation is absolutely voluntary, so a bit of clapping and cheering for whomever takes a turn would be lovely!

Door prize draw and goodie bags


If you’ve been following along on our social media accounts, you’ll already know that we have a plethora of door prizes to give away that have been kindly donated by our wonderful sewing community. Not only that, many stores and designers have sent us a little something for the goodie bags that every attendee will get to take home with them. Make sure you don’t forget yours if you leave early for some reason!

Alright folks - only one day left - are you ready to shake your (frock)tail feathers? We are!